The Anonymous Widower

BlueFloat, Renantis And Ørsted Move Forward With 1 GW Scottish Floater

The title of this post, is the same as that of this article on

This is the sub-heading.

Stromar Offshore Wind Farm Limited, a joint venture between Ørsted, BlueFloat Energy, and Renantis, has submitted the environmental impact assessment (EIA) scoping and habitats regulations appraisal (HRA) screening reports for the 1 GW floating offshore wind farm in Scotland.

These are the first three paragraphs, which outline the progress that has been made so far.

The reports for the project, which is located approximately 50 kilometres from the Port of Wick, were delivered to the Marine Directorate and Aberdeenshire Council.

The EIA scoping reports outline the plans for the development, addressing both onshore and offshore considerations while the HRA screening reports outline the key protected sites and species of relevance to the Stromar development area. The HRA screening reports also present how impacts will be assessed in more detail at the next stage, the developer said.

The project team will now schedule several community consultation events in Spring 2024 to ensure stakeholders are fully informed and that their views are considered in the site selection, design, and development of the project, according to the developer.

This map shows the various ScotWind leases.



  1. The numbers are Scotwind’s lease number in their documents.
  2. 10 is now Stromar
  3. This is the Stromar web site.
  4. One of the partners; Falck Renewables changed its name to Renantis in 2022.
  5. The next stage is to be awarded a Contract for Difference.

The Internet is suggesting a completion date of 2028.





January 29, 2024 - Posted by | Energy | , , , , , , , ,

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