The Anonymous Widower

Last Night, I Had A Very Bad Night’s Sleep

I usually sleep very well. In fact like my father, if I need a nap, I can even take it on a hard upright chair.

He would have a nap like this every day in his printworks. It also looks like my 53 year old middle son has this ability to take a quick nap.

Last night, I slept very badly and woke about two, with a pain in my hip.

I nearly phoned 111, as I felt so rough. Luckily I didn’t!

I didn’t get much more sleep and eventually had perhaps a nap of an hour or so, before I gave up and got out of bed to do a few puzzles on the Internet.

After a large mug of tea, the pain in my hip receded.

My now-retired GP, reckoned I suffered when the atmospheric pressure was low.

So, did an area of low pressure pass through last night and suck water out of my body?

After a good bath, I certainly feel better now, with no pain in my hip.

In My Strange Skin, I describe an incident, where weather sucked water out of my body!

It’s Now Ten O’Clock

I’ve survived the day and managed to take a train to Reading and back.

I had intended to take pictures in Oxford, but when I got to Reading, it was raining hard and I turned back.

May 26, 2024 - Posted by | Health | , , , ,


  1. How strange! Are you a unique medical phenomenon?

    Comment by Elizabeth Campbell | June 5, 2024 | Reply

    • I am involved in medical research with a cardiologist and my body has some strange properties.

      I never need a plaster after an injection or giving a blood sample, despite being on Warfarin.

      I fell in my bedroom and took the back off my hand on a glass door.

      The Royal London glued it together and with some TLC from a no-nonsense black nurse, it healed without a scar.

      As one side of my family is Jewish and the other is Huguenot, I suspect my skin is ghetto-hardened on both sides.

      Some of the conditions my ancestors lived in, were probably so bad, only the strongest survived.

      Comment by AnonW | June 6, 2024 | Reply

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