The Anonymous Widower

Can I Please Have A Good Night’s Sleep?

In all my seventy-six years, I’ve never had trouble getting to sleep. I can sleep on trains and in planes and like my father, I have no trouble going to sleep in a hard upright chair.

But everything changed two weeks ago. I would go to bed at my usual 23:00 and perhaps drop off for a quarter if an hour and then start to lie there fully awake.

Normally, I now get up at about two-thirty and do the puzzles in The Times.

Welcome to the chewed-string lifestyle.

I’ve tried herbal sleeping tables, but they don’t help!

I went to see my GP and she made no suggestions.

Can I Please Have A Good Night’s Sleep?

June 7, 2024 - Posted by | Health | , ,


  1. I’m sorry to hear that.

    When I hit my forties the same thing happened to me. Prior to that I slept right through but then I was similar to you – no problem actually getting to sleep but then I’d wake up and couldn’t get back to sleep.

    I’ve done four things to address it:

    -I don’t drink any fluids AT ALL after 6pm
    -I’ve completely stopped drinking any alcohol
    -I go to bed one hour early (9pm).
    -completely cut out caffeine

    Now, even if I do wake up I tend to get back to sleep but it may take an hour or so.

    Lack of sleep is horrible especially when you’ve been a good sleeper all your life.


    Sent from my iPhone

    Comment by lawrenceedwardwilsonhotmailcom | June 7, 2024 | Reply

    • I more or do that already!


      I feel it could be lack of magnesium, but the GP is useless!

      Comment by AnonW | June 7, 2024 | Reply

      • Maybe that is the case. Are you taking supplements now?

        Sent from my iPhone

        Comment by lawrenceedwardwilsonhotmailcom | June 7, 2024

  2. I am taking supplements and dark chocolate.

    Comment by AnonW | June 7, 2024 | Reply

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