The Anonymous Widower

How To Avoid Middle-Aged Spread: Go To Private School

The title of this post, is the same as that of this article in The Times.

This is the sub-heading.

In their mid-forties, those who were educated privately are more likely to be a healthy weight and have lower blood pressure, the research found

These two paragraphs give some more details.

People who go to private school or a Russell Group university are healthier and slimmer in middle age, research has shown.

In their mid-forties, those who were educated privately are more likely to be a healthy weight, have lower blood pressure and perform better on a cognitive task than those who went to state schools.


  1. I went to a good grammar school and a Russell Group University.
  2. So did my late wife!
  3. Both us were slim and fairly fit until our late fifties.

The research was from University College London.

June 19, 2024 - Posted by | Health | , ,

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