The Anonymous Widower

Bilfinger Drives Highview Power’s Innovative Storage Project, Accelerating The Energy Transition

The title of this post, is the same as that of this press release from Bilfinger, who are a European multinational engineering and services company.

This is the first paragraph of the Wikipedia entry for Bilfinger.

Bilfinger SE (previously named Bilfinger Berger AG) is a European multinational company specialized in civil and industrial construction, engineering and services based in Mannheim, Germany.

Fifty years ago, I was playing a very small part in the designing of complex chemical plants for ICI. My part was mainly to check, the mathematics and dynamics for the designs, the engineers wanted to use.

The experience certainly left me with the belief, that to design a world-class chemical plant is not an easy process.

So if I was needing a complex chemical plant, I would call in the experts.

A Highview Power energy  storage system, may not be a chemical plant, but it shares many of the factors of chemical plants, waterworks and sewage plants. So building one, needs a company, with wide experience, which Bilfinger certainly appear to have.

This paragraph from the press release, summarises Bilfinger’s roll in Hghview Power’s Manchester project to create a 50 MW/300 MWh battery based on Highview’s proprietary long duration energy storage system.

The scope of Bilfinger’s services ranges from the procurement of steel to extensive plant construction services, including mechanical, electrical, instrumentation, insulation, painting and structural steel work, along with the overall management of all aspects of construction, including civil works and equipment installation. As principal contractor, Bilfinger is committed to ensuring the highest safety standards on site.

In UK Infrastructure Bank, Centrica & Partners Invest £300M in Highview Power Clean Energy Storage Programme To Boost UK’s Energy Security, I described how Highview Power had recruited high-class backers to fix the companies finances.

It looks like the Bilfinger deal to build the first system, is the last piece of the jigsaw and will see Highview Power on its way.

June 22, 2024 - Posted by | Energy, Energy Storage | , , , ,

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  1. […] Bilfinger Drives Highview Power’s Innovative Storage Project, Accelerating The Energy Transition, I describe how German company will build the Carrington […]

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