The Anonymous Widower

The Chemical Engineer Magazine On Highview Power

This is said in the Wikipedia entry for The Chemical Engineer Magazine.

The Chemical Engineer is a monthly chemical engineering technical and news magazine published by the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE).

I first read the magazine perhaps fifty years ago, when it explained a chemical process, I was working on at ICI.

It is one of several well-respected magazines published by UK scientific, medical and engineering institutions.

This article in the magazine is entitled Energy Stored As Liquefied Air: £300m Investment Triggers Construction Of UK’s First Commercial-Scale Plant.

These three paragraphs introduce the investment.

HIGHVIEW POWER has received £300m (US$379m) in funding to build the UK’s first commercial-scale liquid air energy storage plant (LAES), designed to balance peaks and troughs in power demand as more renewable energy sources are brought online.

Construction of the facility is now underway in Carrington near Manchester. It is scheduled to begin operations in early 2026 and the company predicts it will provide more than 700 jobs in construction and the supply chain.

The plant will have a storage capacity of 300 MWh and an output of 50 MW per hour for six hours.

The rest of the article is just two sections.

  • How Will Highview’s New Plant Work?
  • Why Is The Technology Needed?

This article in the magazine is an absolute must read.

June 25, 2024 - Posted by | Energy, Energy Storage | , , , , ,

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