The Anonymous Widower

Morecambe Offshore Windfarm

I found this article on beyondradio, which is entitled Plans Unveiled To Build New Offshore Windfarms Off Morecambe Bay.

These care the first two paragraphs.

Plans are being developed to build new offshore windfarms off the Morecambe Bay coast.

Proposals have been unveiled for ‘Morecambe’ and ‘Morgan’, two new offshore wind farms being developed in the Irish Sea.

I’ve discussed Morgan and its sister; Mona before in Mona, Morgan And Morven, which describes the three projects BP are developing in a joint venture with enBW.

I haven’t come across the Morecambe Offshore Windfarm before and it has its own web site.

It has this summary of the wind farm.

Renewable energy is central to supporting the UK’s ambitions to lead the world in combatting climate change, reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and embracing a future where renewable energy powers our homes and businesses.

Morecambe Offshore Windfarm which has a nominal capacity of 480MW. That’s enough to power over half a million households. It will also contribute to the UK Government’s commitment to:

  • Generate 50GW of power from offshore wind by 2030
  • Reach net zero by 2050.

It is located approximately 30km from the Lancashire coast.

This EnBW-BP infographic describes the Morgan and Mona projects.

it appears that the proposed Morecambe Offshore Windfarm will fit in the notch on the Eastern side of EnBW-BP’s two wind farms; Mona and Morgan.

  • All three wind farms are fixed foundation wind farms.
  • They have a total output of just under 3.5 GW.
  • Could they share infrastructure like cables and substations?
  • Heysham 1 is a 485 MW nuclear station, that will be decommissioned in 2024.
  • Heysham 2 is a 1815 MW nuclear station, that will be decommissioned in 2028.
  • What’s left of the two Heysham nuclear stations can probably generate 2.3 GW

Could it be that over 2.3 GW of wind power is being planned in the Irish Sea to make up for the loss of the four reactors at Heysham?

Could also the 480 MW Morecambe Bay wind farm be replacing what’s left of Heysham 1?

There would probably need to be a battery at Heysham, but it looks like the wind farms could be replacing the Heysham nuclear power station!

There will be consultation with the locals about the Morecambe ans Morgan wind farms, which will take place on Saturday, November 19, 2.30pm – 6.30pm, at Morecambe War Memorial Hall on Church Street.

I think, I might go!

November 4, 2022 - Posted by | Energy | , , , , , , , , ,


  1. Heysham nukes are just over 1GW each but would be sensible to feed into existing grid infrastructure. This is being done at a couple of locations in North East Scotland at Torness and Cockenzie.

    Comment by Nicholas Lewis | November 4, 2022 | Reply

    • Wikipedia could put it better. I’ll make my post correct.

      It appears that Heysham 1 is reduced to 485 MW and is being decommissioned in 2024. Will Morecambe wind farm be the replacement for what’s left of Heysham 1?

      Comment by AnonW | November 4, 2022 | Reply

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