The Anonymous Widower

Centrica Business Solutions And Highview Power

Centrica Business Solutions is one of Centrica’s business units.

It has its own web page, with this sub heading.

Helping Organisations Balance Planet And Profit

This is followed by this mission statement.

Centrica Business Solutions helps organisations to balance the demands of planet and profit, by delivering integrated energy solutions that help you save money and become a sustainable business.

Several pictures show some of the solutions, that Centrica Business Solutions can provide.

Centrica Business Solutions In Numbers

These numbers are given about the customers of Centrica Business Solutions.

  • Customer Sites Globally – 7000
  • Solar PV Installations Delivered Worldwide – 16,380+
  • Solar PV Installations Delivered Power – 240 MW
  • CHP Units Operated And Maintained Globally – 700 MW+
  • Energy Data Points Collected Each Month Globally  – 29 billion

Theses are large numbers.

How Would Centrica Business Solutions Use Highview Power’s Batteries?

The obvious use of Highview Power’s batteries is to connect them between a solar or wind farm and the grid, for when the sun isn’t shining or when the wind isn’t blowing.

Currently, there are three sizes of Highview Power batteries, either working on under development.

5MW/15 MWh

This is the demonstration system, which is described on this page of the Highview web site.

Surely, if a system of this size is very useful for Viridor, there may be other applications and customers out there.

This system will provide 5 MW for three hours.


This is the Carrington system, which is described on this page of the Highview web site.

The Highview web site says this about output potential and connectivity.

The facility will store enough clean, renewable energy to serve the needs of 480,000 homes, as well as providing essential grid stabilisation services. The site will use existing substation and transmission infrastructure.

This system will provide 50 MW for six hours.


This is the larger system for Scotland and the North East, which is under development and described on this page of the Highview web site.

The Highview web site says this about output their use.

These will be located on the national transmission network where the wind is being generated and therefore will enable these regions to unleash their untapped renewable energy potential and store excess wind power at scale.

This system will provide 200 MW for 12.5 hours.

In Rio Tinto Punts On British Start-Up To Plug Renewables Gap, I said this.

In Britain, Highview hopes to be putting four 2.5-gigawatt assets into planning this year – one in Scotland, three with Orsted in England.

This sentence was originally published in this article on the Australian Financial Review.

I believe that Centrica could find applications for all three sizes of Highview’s batteries.

Suppose, though Centrica find that an application needs say a 100 MW/1 GWh battery.

From the mathematics, I did at ICI in the 1970s, when looking at the scaling of chemical plants, I believe that Highview’s battery design could be scalable, by just using appropriately-sized turbomachinery, matched to the right number of tanks.

So the customer would get the battery size they needed!

How Much Electricity Could One Of Highview’s Batteries Store?

This image shows large LNG tanks at Milford Haven.

In Could A Highview Power CRYOBattery Use A LNG Tank For Liquid Air Storage?, I did a rough calculation and found that the largest LNG tanks could hold enough liquid air, that would be the equivalent of around one GWh.

So the image above could be a 5 GWh battery.

This image clipped from Highview’s web site, shows large tanks for liquified gas storage.

With tanks like these, Highview could be building batteries with storage to rival the smaller pumped storage hydroelectric power stations.

In Grid Powers Up With One Of Europe’s Biggest Battery Storage Sites, I talked about how Ørsted were planning the Swardeston BESS, where the 2852 MW Hornsea Three wind farm connects to the grid.

The chosen battery will be from Tessla with an output of 300 MW and a capacity of 600 MWh.

I suspect Ørsted couldn’t wait for Highview, but circumstances might have changed now, with the financing deal for the Carrington battery!

Are Combined Heat And Power Units And Highview’s Batteries Interchangeable And Complementary Technologies?

According to the Centrica Business Systems web site, they have deployed over 700 MW of CHP systems globally.

I wonder how many of these systems could have used a standard Highview battery?

Perhaps, Centrica Business Systems have done a survey and found that it could be quite a few.

So, perhaps if Centrica Business Systems had access to Highview’s technology, it would increase their sales.

In addition how many of Centrica Business Systems existing CHP systems, would be improved with the addition of a Highview battery?

It appears to me, that if Centrica Business Systems were to develop a series of standard solutions based on Highview’s technology, they could substantially increase their sales.

What Could Centrica Business Systems Do For Highview Power?

Centrica Business Systems could probably develop several standard applications with Hoghview’s technology, which would be to the benefit of both companies.

But, I believe that as Centrica Business Systems are supporting large number of systems globally, that they are in a good place to help develop and possibly run Highview Power’s support network.


I can see Centrica Business Systems and Highview Power having a long and profitable relationship.





June 26, 2024 - Posted by | Energy, Energy Storage, Finance | , , , , , , , , ,

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